

Build a “Technology Bridge” to Empower Technological Innovation

In order to fully implement spirit of "innovation-driven", the important approach to high-quality development, to promote the innovative development of high-tech enterprises in our city. On July 6th, 2023, Xu Houliang, a professor-level senior engineer of the Guangyuan Special Equipment Supervision and Inspection Institute, and a senior Special Commissioner for High-tech Enterprises, went to Sichuan Guangrong Technology Co., Ltd., to carry out point-to-point technological support, science and technology policy presentation and other services, establishing a "technical bridge" to the special inspection institute, industry technical experts, relevant science & technology departments and enterprises, helping enterprises to achieve a sustained and high-quality development.
In view of the particularity of the enterprise being both a manufacturer and a user of the special equipment, senior Special Commissioner Xu Houliang adopts the spirit of one enterprise & one policy and precise implementation, trains relevant management and technical personnel by promoting the regulation of "Special Equipment Manufacturer Quality & Safety Implementation and supervision", "Special Equipment User Safety Implementation and Responsibilty", strengthening enterprise’s learning of two regulations, supervising timely update of the quality assurance system, establishing working mechanism of "daily control, weekly inspection, and monthly dispatch", to further improve the management system, implement the main responsibilities, and ensure safe production.

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In the symposium, senior Special Commissioner Xu Houliang publicized a series of preferential policies of high-tech enterprises recognition and scientific research and innovation, and suggested that enterprises should increase investment in scientific and technological innovation, establish incentive mechanisms, stimulate the innovation activity of front-line staffs, prepare and plan the high-tech enterprise recognition work in advance and improve the brand of high-tech enterprises. Senior Special Commissioner Xu Houliang also publicized the professional knowledge of scientific research projects, achievement declarations, etc., to enterprise’s scientific and technological staff, and promised to be good service personnel and liaisons for enterprises’ science and technology work, helping enterprises to continuously optimize production processes, improve production efficiency, promote product quality, secure safety principal, enhance market competitiveness.
Through on-site inspection of production conditions, equipment, materials and products, Xu houliang learns the actual difficulties of the enterprise, collects the innovation and development needs and relevant suggestions and opinions on the work of the "High-tech Special Commissioner", forms a memorandum of cooperation between enterprises and institutions, and provide targeted technical guidance and services to effectively solve the practical difficulties faced by enterprises.

In future, the company will give full play of the professional technology advantages of the "high-tech enterprise correspondent", deepen enterprises’ cooperation and communications of technological innovation, business training, patent & achievement transformation, and party building, etc., help enterprises cultivate more innovative talents, and promote enterprise’s high quality and safety development.

Post time: Sep-18-2023