

Sichuan Guangrong Group’s Tug-of-War Competition: unite you and me and work together.

On the afternoon of December 27, 2023, Sichuan Guangrong Group held a unique tug-of-war competition, which attracted the enthusiastic participation of many employees and audiences.

The tug-of-war competition was hosted by company leader Mr. Deng Kaixiong. Before the event officially started, Ms. Huang Li, deputy director of the Commerce Bureau of Guangyuan Economic Development Zone in Sichuan Province, delivered a passionate speech on behalf of the Economic Development Zone, affirming the company’s achievements in recent years and wishing the event a complete success. Zhang Pulin, deputy commander of the Yuanjiaba Aluminum Headquarters, announced the official start of the competition, kicking off this fierce showdown.

The participating teams are all full of energy, high morale, and work together for a common goal. The audience cheered loudly, supporting and encouraging the contestants to give their best. The competition scene was lively, vibrant, full of energy and passion.
A Tug of War Competition Was Held in Factory of Guangrong Group

The competition came to an end with everyone’s cheers and laughter. After everyone’s hard work and struggle, the assembly workshop and electroplating workshop won the first and second prizes.

Awards Ceremony
Runner up
Second runner up

The tug-of-war competition held by Sichuan Guangrong Group is not only a sports event, but also a gathering to exercise team cohesion and boost morale. This competition not only shortened the distance between employees, but also injected new vitality and vitality into the group’s corporate culture. I believe that in the future work, employees will dedicate themselves with greater enthusiasm and contribute to the development of the group.

Post time: Jan-03-2024