

The Operating Requirements and Installation Method About Nail Gun

The nail gun offering a fast and efficient fastening method suitable for form work and facade construction, or for securing wood and metal sheets to concrete, brick, or steel. It offers significant benefits to almost all industries, promoting convenient and time-saving workflows. The classic, eye-catching tool leaves a deep impression with its simple, almost self-explanatory operation and adjustable settings.

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Installation Method

1.It is not recommended to operate the nail gun on soft substrates, such as wood or soft soil, as this operation may damage the nail gun‘s brake ring, affecting normal use.

2.For soft and low-strength materials to be fixed, such as sound insulation boards, insulation boards, and grass fiber boards, using nails with metal washers is necessary to achieve the desired fixing effect.

3.After loading the nail cartridge, it is strictly forbidden to push the nail tube directly by hand.

4.Do not aim the nail gun at others after loading the nail gun bullet.

5.During shooting, if the nail cartridge does not fire, the powder actuated guns should be kept still for more than 5 seconds before moving.

6.Before the concrete nail gun is used up, or before maintenance and maintenance, the nail cartridge should be removed first.

7.For soft materials (such as wood) to be fixed or shot into, the nail cartridges power should be appropriate. Excessive power will break the piston rod.

8.After prolonged use of the powder nail gun, vulnerable parts (such as the piston ring) should be replaced in a timely manner, otherwise the shooting effect will not be ideal (such as reduced power).

9.After shooting, all parts of the nail gun should be wiped or cleaned in a timely manner.

10.All types of nail guns have instruction manuals, which should be read before use to understand the principles, performance, structure, disassembly, and assembly methods of the nail gun, and to comply with the specified precautions.

11.To ensure the safety of yourself and others, the matching nail gun equipment should be strictly used.


Operating Requirements

1.Operators must be trained and familiar with the performance, functions, structural characteristics, and maintenance methods of various components. Other personnel are not allowed to use them without authorization.

2.A comprehensive inspection of the nail gun must be carried out before operation, and the nail gun shell and handle should be free of cracks or damage; all protective covers should be complete and secure, and the safety devices should be reliable.

3.It is strictly forbidden to push the nail tube with the palm of the hand or aim the gun at people.

4.When firing, the nail gun powder should be pressed vertically against the working surface. If the bullet does not fire after two trigger pulls, the original shooting position should be maintained for a few seconds before removing the nail cartridge.

5.No parts should be installed in the nail gun before replacing parts or disconnecting the powder nailer.

6.Overloading use is strictly prohibited. Pay attention to sound and temperature during operation. If any abnormalities are found, stop using it immediately for inspection.

7.The fastening nail gun and its accessories, cartridges, gunpowder, and nails must be stored separately, and someone is responsible for safekeeping. Users should strictly issue the correct quantity according to the material requisition list, and collect all remaining and used cartridges. The issuance and collection must be checked for consistency.

8.The distance from the insertion point to the edge of the building should not be too close (no less than 10 cm) to prevent wall components from breaking and causing injury.

9.Shooting in flammable and explosive areas is strictly prohibited. It is also forbidden to operate on fragile or hard objects such as marble, granite, and cast iron, and on penetrable buildings and steel plates.

fastening nail gun

nail gun

Post time: Aug-23-2024